Amethyst Crystal Web Project
This is an ongoing magical operation that is charged on every full moon since its inception. Please join us in making your own amethyst crystal batteries and create individual crystal points that you can bury, carry or give away. We could use more joy, peace and tranquility in the world.
Amethyst Crystal Web Project Ritual
(Evoking Air Pentagram) Spirits of Air fill this amethyst with clear thoughts of joy, peace and tranquility. Inspire us.
(Draw the evoking Fire pentagram) Spirits of Fire fill this amethyst with passionate feelings of joy, peace and tranquility. Consume us.
(Draw the evoking Water pentagram) Spirits of Water fill this amethyst with a clear vision of joy, peace and tranquility. Heal us.
(Draw the evoking Earth pentagram) Spirits of Earth fill this amethyst with the power to make our thoughts, our passion, and our vision of joy, peace and tranquility real.
- We rise up as one, bringing this amethyst of joy, peace and tranquility onto the astral plane and waves of energy fill our hearts.
- We rise up as one, bringing this amethyst of joy, peace and tranquility onto the mental plane and waves of energy fill our minds.
- We rise up as one, bringing this amethyst of joy, peace and tranquility into the Akasha and waves of peace, joy and tranquility spread outward though time and space, boundless, ever growing, becoming stronger and stronger. Peace, love and tranquility fill our spirits, our minds, our hearts, and our bodies.
- We return to the mental plane, bringing thoughts of peace, love and tranquility.
- We return to the astral plane, bringing feelings of peace, love and tranquility.
- We return to the physical plane, and our bodies, hearts and minds are filled with the energy of peace, love and tranquility.
- We touch the earth, and the energy we have raised spreads outward in ever-widening circles, growing stronger and stronger.
Sit for a few minutes basking in the glow of the energy. Now we take our amethyst points and purple ribbons and begin to wrap our amethyst points. As we wrap them, think about how all amethysts are connected together, part of the same amethyst energy across the planet and to the battery crystals we have just charged up. This ribbon represents the threads of energy between all amethysts.
I wrap these threads of connection around this stone and know that between the worlds these crystals are one. Wherever this crystal goes or is placed or is buried, it will remain connected, and the energy of one becomes the energy of all, spreading joy, peace and tranquility for the good of all. Between the worlds, these crystals are one and this energy spreads through time and space, growing stronger and stronger.
Always connected, always growing, freely available to all, by the power of the Divine and the will of the Universe in kind. So Mote It Be.